Semester 2 Goals

Friday, 22 July 2016

It's that time of year again...tomorrow I will be heading back down to Uni to begin another semester! Whilst attempting to pack (much more dancing than packing has been happening at this point!) I've been thinking over what I'd like to achieve in my last semester of pre-clinical Med, and I thought I'd share some of my ideas with you guys! 


  • Go to the library more to study. I'm very good at getting distracted when I study at home, and I've always found that going to the library puts me in a really good mindset where I get things done! 
  • Try the Pomodoro Technique. I've heard a lot about this study method and I think it's time I try it! I'm a really bad procrastinator when it comes to study, and I think this method could really help me to get over that! (click here for info if you don't know what the Pomodoro Technique is!)


  • Keep up with my blog! I've been terrible at this lately, mainly just because I've been out of ideas to write about. However I have the next month's posts all planned out so I hope to be back on top of my game here! 
  • Surround myself with positivity. I'm at a point in my life right now where I just don't have time for any unnecessary negative influences. Whether it means unfriending people on Facebook or even in real life, if people don't add positivity to my life then they've gotta go! I've started following more inspirational Instagram accounts and surrounding myself with positive quotes, and you wouldn't believe the difference it can make!


  • Practice mindfulness. We've actually learnt a lot about mindfulness and its benefits in our classes, and I think it's a really valuable tool in staying mentally happy and healthy! I recently downloaded the Headspace app to try and help me with this-I've yet to try it out but will get back to you all when I do! 
  • Walk to class more often. Walking to class is an amazing way to fit a bit more exercise into my day whilst also giving me time to clear my head! Plus I save on fuel if I'm not driving so much, so what excuse do I have?! 

So there's my main goals for Semester 2, although I'm sure I've forgotten a couple! I have so many cool things to look forward to this semester, including a trip to Brisbane to see Troye Sivan as well as our Medicine Ball and many other things! I'm excited to get into it all again-although it's always tough, I have some wonderful friends and family by my side who always keep me going!
Here's to being the best version of ourselves, every single day!
Kate x


  1. I love to set my goals before I enter the new school year. It keep me from straying away from what I want to achieve. I will have to check out the studying method because I procrastinate a lot too. And I think it's so cool that your a medical student! I'm still in high school ,but I plan to pursue a career in medicine as well.

    Avianne |

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Avianne! I agree, goals can be so useful in keeping you on track! And that's awesome that you want to study medicine, please let me know if you ever want some advice or someone to chat to about it! I'd love to talk about it haha! :) xx

  2. I'm going into my senior year of high school August 1st! I want this year to be super stress free for me, and one of the things I've done to do that is cutting out not only negative people, but neutral people in my life. I believe that if someone isn't uplifting you and being a positive influence in your life, then you don't need them. Keeping up with my blog is going to be a major challenge for me this year, but like you, I already have some posts ready to go for the next couple of weeks. I wish you the best with your goals Kate :)

    Kathlyn | Kathlyn's Korner

    1. I totally agree Kathlyn, it's so important to just have people around you that lift you up and make you feel good! I honestly feel like it's made a really big difference to me, although it's hard to completely cut out everyone negative haha! I hope you achieve all the goals you've got as well lovely! xx

  3. I've also just started semester 2 and I've already broken one of my goals, be more organised in the mornings haha! I find keeping up with blogging is definitely a lot harder when you have classes and assignments to do and thats also a goal of mine :)
    Kathy x

    1. Haha you're not alone Kathy! I've already fallen behind on trying to do my Mindfulness exercises every day...but we can only keep trying hey! I hope you smash all your goals this semester! :) xx

  4. Setting goals for semester is such a good idea! I am going to start doing that as well. Also, Pomodoro Technique is very effective and I use all the time when studying :) Wish you the best with your goals! x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. I'm glad you liked the idea Leta, I hope you enjoy doing them too! I'll let you know how I get on with the Pomodoro Technique, I'm currently trying to find an app that I like to help me with it! All the best with your semester! :) xx

  5. I hope you'll have a successful & productive semester! :) inspirational instagram accounts are amazing - seeing a motivational quote while scrolling through my timeline always encourages me so much. I'm so happy you get to see Troye, have fun!! x


    1. Thanks so much Sara, the same back to you! Inspirational instagram accounts are the best! Hope you have a great semester as well! :) xx
