Doctor Kate

Wednesday 25 December 2019
It finally happened! This month I officially graduated from a very long six years of university and now get to put 'Dr' in front of my name. 
As is only right after completing such a tortuously long degree, we celebrated with a whole week of events including a cocktail party and a ball as well as the ceremony itself. The whole experience honestly still feels completely surreal. I felt so joyful watching my partner and friends crossing the stage (as well as walking across myself of course!), and feel so overwhelmingly proud of us all after witnessing everyone's struggles and sacrifices in getting to this point. 

Here's a few happy snaps from the festivities. 

The ball was a fabulous night to get dressed up and celebrate with all our loved ones. I'm so incredibly grateful to have had family travel all the way from Spain and Germany to share in these special moments. How lucky am I!


Now, it's onwards and upwards to new adventures. Unfortunately this means parting ways from a lot of my wonderful friends, but I'm fortunate enough to have my partner moving with me and working in the same hospital next year. I'm so very relieved and thankful that I will have his support with the many challenges yet to come! 

Here's to being brave and taking on new adventures in 2020. 
Kate x


  1. Congrats Kate! Hope you have a great summer before starting work. Intern year was difficult but I also had the best time, good luck with it!

  2. Congratulations, Dr. Kate!!
